Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Union

In 1928 this is when Joseph Stalin wanted to start his five-year- plan. As the Russian dictator at the time with is when he wanted to see great change for Russia. He had a set plan to help strengthen the economic and social goals of Russia. This was mainly affecting the peasants of Russia. As the five-year- plan begun to take way there were some major difficulties in agriculture and industry. Many farms started to begin to suffer with having to turn over their farms to Stalin. The private land owners of Russia wanted to revolt and not give up their land or animals. So in return the Russian government took force. They shot groups of peasants in large numbers and took people from their homes. Like the United States there was a problem with labor laws in the industrial business. Many workers were unhappy with the conditions. With Stalin being addicted to power and wanting to take over such a large area in a short span of time there were some consequences including a food shortage.

Joseph Stalin

Soviet Flag


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